Beauty & self-care
For the Sun: Shampoo, Sprays or Maybe Just a Hat
-unlike skin- can't get sunburn, wrinkles or cancer. So why
would it need a sunscreen? The answer is obvious to anyone
who has spent the day biking, lolling at the pool or just
walking on a cloudless day."
After a day on the beach,
my hair just feels fried and I feel like I need to use a deep
conditioner the next day," said Kathy Green, an
editor in New York at Fitness magazine >> more
Yoga topics

Η φωνη του Απολυτου
Oh Supreme Lord, Why you give us this beautiful creation of Yours and sooner or later you make it disappear from our eyes? >> more
The Cheaters and the Cheated
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur used to say that this material
world is simply a society of cheaters and the cheated. In
our travels around the world we are certainly witnessing this
- first hand wherever we go >> more
pure devotees who are qualified to see God at every minute
do not like to revel, "I have seen God. I have seen God."
They prefer to taste the ultimate nectar, the mood of hankering
to see God in great pain of separation >> more
is no reason to suffer another minute in the cycle of birth
and death. We can become liberated immediately or it may take
us millions of births and deaths. It is simply a matter of
fully adopting the proper modus operandi, the proper mood
of thinking, speaking, and acting >>
The Difference between a living and a dead body
we have a little common sense and a sincere desire to know
things as they are, there are so many things we can learn
just by studying things around us.
For example, even by observing
the difference between a living body and a dead body we can
understand some of the basic underlying facts of reality
>> more